FDB_hiroshima FDB_hiroshima@fediverse.blog

Open on fediverse.blog

One of the Plume developers.


trinity-1686a @a000d4f7a91939d0e71df1646d7a48@anticapitalist.party

Hi, I'm a trans woman/enby

Have a strong love/hate relationship with computers
Wannabe cypherpunk

Cedric Girard @Xdark@mamot.fr

Geek, libriste, scout, musicien, photographe, cinéphile, ...

#LogicielLibre #FOSS #Linux #Music #Photography

Xantulon :mastodon: :pixelfed: @Xantulon@mastodon.social

Guillaume @guilg@mastodon.social

Ady LM :verified: @ady_luimeme@octodon.social



#maghreb_united 🇲🇦🇩🇿🇹🇳

Milan @Milan@write.tchncs.de

Hi there, i am a photographer and it-guy from germany, and you may know me from the several services i host at tchncs.de.

Gidi Kroon @GidiKroon@mastodon.social

Work: #coding. Sport: #volleyball. Interests: #science, #technology, #scifi, #tv, #film, #sustainability, #politics. #fandom: many #actresses #singers #tvseries

Sergey Bugaev @bugaevc@fediverse.blog

Mastodon: https://mastodon.technology/@bugaevc

Sandy Cheeks @EverythingSandyCheeksSays@mastodon.social

I come from the state of Texas and speak with a heavy southern accent.

[pioneer] 🇺🇦 @pioneer@mastodon.social

Python, paragliding, socionics

Malendur @malendur@ussr.win

Guillaume @guilg@mycrowd.ca