Articles tagged "Tory dictatorship"

Some of Today’s Politicians have Learned Propaganda Tricks from 1930s Fascists, says Yale professor

Democracy is a fragile creation, and the Yale professor and historian of fascism Timothy Snyder should know

Tory Plans to Restrict Judicial Review Will Weaken the Rule of Law

Proposals undermine government accountability. Wonder why that's a goal of any government? Answer: They do not want to be held to account for their actions

Tory Government ‘Tried to Block’ Data on Spread of New Covid Variant in English Schools

Tory controlled Downing Street bullied Public Health England NOT to publish crucial data on the spread of the new Covid variant in schools

Tories to Undermine UK Democracy with Mandatory Voter ID Law

The best electoral systems are the most inclusive. Boris Johnson's Tory government plans lock out millions of legitimate, non-Tory voters

Body with Power to Suspend MPs Could Investigate Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has repeatedly refused to be open, honest or transparent with the donations and gifts he receives from either extremely wealthy individuals or Conservative party donors

Boris Johnson Promised Billionaire James Dyson he Would 'Fix' Tax Issue

Tory sleaze has reached the heart of Downing Street and Boris Johnson

Priti Patel’s Detention Policies Found to Breach Human Rights Rules

Court finds home secretary accountable for failures to ensure that deaths in immigration detention centres are investigated properly

Downing Street Rewrote ‘Independent’ Report on Race

Officials at Downing Street have been accused of rewriting much of its controversial report into racial and ethnic disparities

Tories Delete the Truth on London School of Economics British Politics and Policy Website

Blog Post Deleted After Tory Government Adviser Admits Scotland can Thrive After Independence