Articles tagged "corruption"
Corporate Takeover & Privatisation of Our NHS
Turning the NHS Into a $28bn Profit Opportunity - Tory Cronyism
Stop the Assault on our Democratic Freedoms - United Kingdom
Let’s take a stand against the government’s insidious power grab and its attempts to stifle the voice of civil society
The Moral Vacuum of English Politics is a Replica of Trump’s America
Britain's death of the gentlemen's agreement. Truth, decency & democracy have little currency in Boris Johnson’s rump Trumpocracy
Boris Johnson Misled MPs Over Unusable PPE
The Government’s most senior Health official has contradicted the Prime Minister’s claims [Boris Johnson lied to MPs]
Some of Today’s Politicians have Learned Propaganda Tricks from 1930s Fascists, says Yale professor
Democracy is a fragile creation, and the Yale professor and historian of fascism Timothy Snyder should know
Is the UK sleepwalking into authoritarian rule?
Jeremy Cushing on how the government is attacking and undermining the institutions of democracy, Blaine Stothard on ministers’ demands for total conformity of beliefs and values, & Pat Farrington on the Tories’ cynical attempts to keep hold of power
Accusation of Tories Inflaming Culture Wars by Boris Johnson's Former Race Advisor
“There are some people in the government who feel like the right way to win is to pick a fight on the culture war and to exploit division.”
The Big Lie - or 'It's All About Sovereignty, Stupid!'
The 2019 Tory [Big Lie] manifesto promised: “In all of our trade negotiations, we will not compromise on our high environmental protection, animal welfare and food standards.”
Tory Plans to Restrict Judicial Review Will Weaken the Rule of Law
Proposals undermine government accountability. Wonder why that's a goal of any government? Answer: They do not want to be held to account for their actions
'Taliban' Faction Among the Tories Plan to Destroy BBC for Political Motives?
Did Tories dredge up 26 year old story for excuse to destroy the BBC? Totalitarian governments always move to shut down media/news outlets they can't control or dictate to.
Tory Government ‘Tried to Block’ Data on Spread of New Covid Variant in English Schools
Tory controlled Downing Street bullied Public Health England NOT to publish crucial data on the spread of the new Covid variant in schools
Thousands of Work-Related Covid Deaths go Unreported in UK
One example: More than 600 transport & storage workers died last year from the Coronavirus, according to the ONS, but only 10 deaths in the sector were reported.