Articles tagged "pandemic"

Rapid Covid Testing in England may be Scaled Back Over False Positives

Boris Johnson last week urged everyone in England to take two rapid-turnaround tests a week, but 'true positive' tests are just 25% correct at best

Virus Hotspots Could Lead to Third Covid Wave in UK, Scientists Warn

Boris Johnson dropping pledge to ‘follow data not dates’ - Again Boris is not following science while, at the same time, lying by telling us he is.

Tory Government ‘Skewing Evidence’ To Justify Dropping Masks in Schools

Reports on leaked emails which suggest that the Department for Education is cherry-picking evidence to weaken safety measures

Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021 (“PCSC Bill”) – Briefing for MPs

A chilling direction for the United Kingdom

Brexit: 1/2 of Our Sales are Wiped Out - Silk Firm Joins Exodus to Europe

Brexit & Job Losses

Secretary of State acted unlawfully by failing to comply with the Transparency Policy