Girl Nothing But A Dream

All those years / With all the stresses
With all the beers / and all caresses
Ago / She wilts.

In these years to think I would forget,
About the girl that was once a friend.
One for whom I'd never make a bet.
For one I'd hope the dream would never end.

All those years / With all the stresses
With all the beers / and all caresses
Ago / She wilts.

She had a face anyone could remember,
On that school year's end in December.
Prom nights were exteded sleepless nights.
Goodnight sleep, good morning anxiety,
On all those starry nights.

All those years / With all the stresses
With all the beers / and all caresses
Ago / She wilts.

Whom survives as bit a memory,
A girl in many a dream,
With the many young adult novels,
And a driveway of gravel.

All those years / With all the stresses
With all the beers / and all caresses
Ago / She wilts.

She lives on in faint memory,
That's nothing but a dream.