favstarmafia favstarmafia@fediverse.blog

Open on fediverse.blog

semibot@aspirant.de @semibot@aspirant.de

ale @ale@social.hatthieves.es

master of this instance

IntegralDuChemin @IntegralDuChemin@qoto.org

Take from my account name darling.
Your friendly path integral from your neighbourhood. <3

mohammedi @mohammedi@fediverse.blog

Federation Bot @federationbot@mastodon.host

Hello, I am mastodon.host official semi bot.

Follow me if you want to have some updates on the view of the fediverse from here ( I only post unlisted ).

I also randomly boost one of my followers toot every hour !

If you don't feel confortable with me following you, tell me: unfollow and I'll do it :)

If you want me to follow you, just tell me follow !

If you want automatic follow for new users on your instance and you are an instance admin, contact me !

Other commands are private :)

slylax @slylax@plume.nixnet.xyz

jedi_am_mittag@social.anoxinon.de @jedi_am_mittag@social.anoxinon.de

D5k H3h @dominik@blog.s.dhusch.de

Hi, mehr über mich gibt es hier: me.dhusch.de Hier ist mein Mastodon Profil: @dhusch@social.snopyta.org

tinderness @tinderness@fediverse.blog

Kromonos @kromonos@blog.bka.li

Nehme Tokio :matrix: 📷 @khaos@kuddel.greentrawler.space

The guy with the admin account.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh #Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

#sysadmin #OpenBSD #dresden

Tommy @ad@www.blogautismus.de

Hey, dies ist der Admin Account von dieser Plume Instanz.